I've spent the last couple of days taking stock of my life, and I think I've come to a decision. For years, I've been pushing forward with no goal. When you don't have a destination, though, pretty much any road will get you there.
Luckily enough, I've ended up on the road less travelled and I'm fairly content with both where my life is and where it seems to be headed. At the same time, though, I want more. Not out of greed, but out of this deep feeling that, while I'm still finding a lot of success, there's more I could be doing.
So my decision. At the moment, I'm working for an incredible, mission-driven start up company. I'm also managing my own business, an all-purpose marketing/publishing firm. Both jobs are fantastic. But they're both domestic, and I want to do something global.
What I'd like to do is keep moving forward in what I'm doing, but with two things in mind. I want my business to be profitable enough by the middle of 2010 that I'm earning enough passive income to cover my debt from school so I can move on to other pursuits. I also want the start-up I currently work with to be so successful that I can step out and work on another, equally important project.
Really, I'd like to be able to join the Peace Corps to work on business development abroad. Ideally, I'd start my application by January 2010 so I could be ready to start in Q4 of the same year (it's a long application process). If the start-up is up and rolling by then, and my personal gig is also picking up speed, I should be able to take the time to go and make a difference where I'm needed while still knowing I'll have something to come back to after the two year stint.
I know, it sounds like a crazy, wild ambition. But for once I feel like I have a target - a goal to push towards. I'm excited, nervous, and a bit scared ... and I like it that way.
So ... what do you all think of my insane decision?